End your meal on a lighter note with these articles written during some very late night meetings.

Pimms and Lemonade

By Ishika Ruia and Meher Sarna

A wine glass chilled,

Ice to the brim filled.

All you need is:

Strawberry: hulled or paste,

No need to haste!

A full sprig of mint,

As much as you want, even just a hint!

One full cucumber, sliced and peeled

After a sip of Pimms, you’ll be healed

Two cups of lemonade, refreshing and fizzy

We guarantee this drink won’t leave you dizzy

An orange, sliced and diced

To blend; a touch of citrus is always nice

To top it off, a cup of Pimm’s No. 1

Making this drink is always so fun

An Ode to Food

By beloved staff member ChatGPT

Food, oh glorious food, Bringer of sustenance and joy, Nourishing both body and soul, A feast fit for royalty or a simple ploy.

From crispy fried chicken to buttery croissants, To spicy curries and cheesy pizzas, Each flavor unique, each aroma enchanting, A world of culinary delights to savor and relish.

Some dishes are a symphony of flavors, A perfect balance of sweet, salty, and sour, While others are a spicy explosion, A dance on the tongue that sets taste buds to flower.

Oh, how food can bring people together, Families, friends, and strangers alike, A shared love for delicious meals, Bringing smiles, laughter, and delight.

Food, an art and a science combined, A craft that has stood the test of time, From ancient recipes passed down through generations, To modern creations, pushing culinary boundaries to the sublime.

So, let us raise a glass and give thanks, For the bounty of food that we enjoy, For the nourishment it provides, And the pleasure it brings, oh food, oh glorious food.

Chef Mike’s: A Campus Love Story

By two members who would like to remain anonymous

Our eyes meet over the foot long sub 

Mouth-watering, mozzarella dripping, hot honey oozing 

You take a bite 

I take a bite 

Our faces move closer together

Bite by bite of crispy chicken

I stare into your eyes longingly 

You inch closer over the plastic table 

Our lips touch

You taste of Mike’s hot honey 

And breaded chicken  

Just like that, we have found love

Over the special of the day: 

The hot honey chicken mozzarella sub from Chef Mike’s.