My Mom’s Chicken Tacos: A Taste of Home

Our PR & Outreach Chair Isabella Polsfuss shares a chicken taco recipe that’s had a reoccurring role in her family history!

My favorite home cooked meal has to be my mom’s chicken tacos with a side of fideo, which is essentially a Mexican noodle soup—it’s been a favorite of mine since I was little. It’s a simple dish, yet it has wonderful flavors that always make me feel like I’m at home. My grandparents immigrated from Tijuana and are both incredible cooks, so they passed down all of their skills in the kitchen to their four daughters. Additionally, these same tacos were the first meal my mom ever made for my dad. The meal isn’t luxurious, but it’s the perfect comfort food and is certainly one of the foods I miss most from San Diego; I have yet to find a Mexican restaurant that has done my mom’s cooking justice!


Taco Filling

Whole chicken




Garlic, salt, and pepper to taste


(2 cups) Shredded lettuce

(2 cups) Chopped tomatoes

Shredded cheese (our family loves cheddar)

Guacamole & sour cream


(1 bag) Fideo

(1 clove) Minced garlic

(1 cup) Chicken broth

(1/4 cup) Tomato sauce

(1/2 cup) Monterey Jack cheese

Chicken Tacos

  1. Cook an entire chicken in stock, add seasoning (We opt for garlic, salt, & pepper).

  2. Once cooked, save the broth for later. Let chicken cool, and then shred the chicken.

  3. Put shredded chicken in a saucepan, add cilantro, a little bit of the broth from earlier, and some chicken.

  4. Flavor with Bouillon to taste. Set aside until ready to assemble.

  5. Make taco shells by frying the tortillas in a small pan with vegetable oil.

  6. Add your toppings, assemble the tacos, and enjoy!


  1. Cook 1 small bag fideo in a tablespoon of canola oil

  2. Add 1 minced garlic clove.

  3. Once slightly toasted, add 1 cup of chicken broth from earlier.

  4. Add 1⁄4 cup of tomato sauce, bring to a boil at high heat

  5. Reduce to low heat, add 1/2 cup monterey jack cheese

  6. Cover and simmer for 10-15 minutes or until fideo is cooked through.

Buen Provecho!